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New Software and Platforms
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Section: New Software and Platforms

Patate Lib

Keywords: Expressive rendering - Multi-scale analysis - Material appearance - Vector graphics - 2D animation

Functional Description

Patate is a header only C++/CUDA library for graphics applications. It provides a collection of Computer Graphics techniques that incorporate the latest innovations from Inria research teams working in the field. It strives for efficiency and ease-of-use by focusing on low-level core operators and key algorithms, organized in modules, each tackling a specific set of issues. The central goal of the library is to drastically reduce the time and efforts required to turn a research paper into a ready-to-use solution, for both commercial and academic purposes.

The library is still in its infancy and we are actively working on it to include the latest of our published research techniques. Modules will be dealing with graphics domains as varied as multi-scale analysis, material appearance, vector graphics, expressive rendering and 2D animation.